Controllers for automation systems design by the Customer

To automate technological facilities and processes in any industry, a universal PTK ORION is designed with a wide range of controllers, I/O modules, functional and communication modules, which in their characteristics exceed the currently used imported analogues.

The use of PTK ORION provides independence from restrictions on the supply of imported equipment, reduces the cost of technological equipment and automated facilities, reduces automation costs, terms of design, development and implementation of automation

PTK ORION contains two lines - the basic AIS-ORION and the budget ECO-ORION. The choice of ruler type is determined by technical characteristics suitable for a specific control object

In terms of its main characteristics, such as reliability, service life, warranty period, the ECO-ORION line is not inferior to the basic line, but for its class of tasks, its use allows you to reduce automation costs by 30%

The full cycle of development, production and testing is carried out in St. Petersburg at our enterprise

The full cycle of development, production and testing is carried out in St. Petersburg at our enterprise